Friday, October 31, 2008

..::[ Random Thoughts ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Time after Time" (DJ Sammy)

A lot of random thoughts on my mind now. Need to jot it down so can try to stop thinking about it for the moment and concentrate on exams. I'll be coming back to blog on these thoughts later in time after my exams....just need to record down some pointers here.

Symbiotic relationship of everything, Fractional Banking reserve, Mini-bonds/jubilee notes/High Notes, fiduciary duties, justice theory, free market principle, inflation, socialism, UK immigration policy, economist debate on education (citizen vs state sponsorshi
p), investment banking vs entrepreneurship, futures market (risks), pegging of essentials to indexes, conflict of interest (financial advisers), definition of professionals, ethical and moral values of bystanders (Singapore), Fake Money??? Insurance (contributes to FM?), expansion of economy (sustainable?), IR (white elephant?), town councils sinking funds (disclosure, public monies), last attempt to make peace (letter?) so as not to have regrets.

Somehow, I'm rather into trance music now. Here's a good piece which I can relate the lyrics quite a bit. Enjoy.

Got up early, found something's missing
my only name.
No one else sees but I got stuck,
and soon forever came.
Stopped pushing on for just a second,
then nothing's changed.
Who am I this time, where's my name
I guess it crept away.

No one's calling for me at the door.
And unpredictable won't bother anymore.
And silently gets harder to ignore.
Look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.
What's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.
Just let it go, what now can never be.

I forgot that I might see,
So many beautful things.
I forgot that I might need,
to find out what life could bring.

Take this happy ending away, it's all the same.
God won't waste this simplicity on possibility.
Get me up, wake me up, dreams are filling
this trace of blame.
Frozen still I thought I could stop,
now who's gonna wait.

No one's calling for me at the door.
and unpredictable won't bother anymore.
and silently gets harder to ignore.
look straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.
what's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.
just let it go, what now can never be.

so many beautiful things...
so many beautiful things...

Now what do I do
can I change my mind
did I think things through

It was once my life
it was my life at one time
~~| Power corrupts | Absolute power corrupts Absolutely |~~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

..::[ IPPT Failure ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Behind Blue Eyes" (Limp Bizkit)

So disappointed man, failed my ippt today. Gawdamnit.....failed my 2.4km run.

  1. Shuttle Run : 9.1 Secs (5)
  2. Sit up : 39 (5)
  3. Chin up : 8 (3)
  4. Standing Broad Jump : 243 cm (5)
  5. 2.4km Run : 18.35 mins (0)

Haiz, guess I'm really not cut out for running......have to go for the super sian and boring RT. Hope can have some time to start running and train up my stamina and clear the next IPPT.

~~|You are who you want yourself to be | The choice is in your hands |~~

Thursday, October 16, 2008

..::[ First Post and It's Rantings ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Shadow of the Day" (Linkin Park)

Decided to start a new blog on blogspot due to a recent rather unpleasant incident with a person whom I thought was and considered as a friend and another irritating person whom I've considered to be one of the most obnoxious, condescending asshole that I've ever met. How unfortunate of me to open my mouth to challenge his world views. Well, to cut things short, in my fit of anger and frustrations. I did the unthinkable. I deleted 4 years of my blog entries. Now, why was I so angry and frustrated? Hmm, I guess I simply felt angry for being deleted away from the person's life. Imagine having a simple disagreement with a friend and that friend simply DELETE you away in friendster, multiply, facebook, msn etc.... I'm frustrated with this type of behavior. So far, I've never had a disagreement with someone till such drastic measures are called for. I never knew that I was such a horrible I? I guess that friend of mine never really considered how I felt by this type of childish behavior. I lost sleep on numerous nights, had nightmares and it affected me very badly on my psyche. Somehow, I felt ostracized by my group of friends by her actions. I felt like being held to ransom emotionally, whether she meant it as such or not. Pretty horrible feeling I tell you. You feel like you're all alone, being left behind by your friends. Oh well, I guess this is life and I just have to suck it up and move on.

I've learnt something valuable from this ugly incident. I learnt to keep my mouth shut and think thrice before ever speaking ever again. You can't simply say something that you think without considering the repercussions. No, No, No, and Not even with friends whom you thought that you are close with. You don't know how they will react to your views. This bloody incident opened up my eyes should only say the things that others want to hear or you should simply just shut up. Coz no one really cares about who's right / wrong. Seriously, No one gives a damn. I used to think that by expressing your views with your friends, and them expressing a different point of view, all would gain. Somehow, I guess I'm too idealistic in my thinking. People don't like to hear stuffs that they don't like / don't want to hear. Everyone's perception is different and therefore different standards would apply. I accept that but I loathe double standards. Don't tell me to abide by one set of rules and have others abide by another set.

First post and I have to unfortunate but hey, that's life man. Blogging seems like a good outlet for me to rant about my unhappiness with certain events in my life. I do feel kind of sad that things turned out the way it turned out. I wish that we could remain as friends but I guess your actions speaks louder than words. I wish you all the best in life and hope that our paths do not ever cross again. All the best. Now, time for me to focus on my exams and start finding new friends to travel with. Either that or it's time to go solo travel.....anyway, hopefully my future posts would be more on happy events and travels rather than rantings. All the best to my lost friend. Cheers.

~~| There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go |~~