Wednesday, November 19, 2008

..::[ Stereotypical Mindset ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Shadow of the Day" (Linkin Park)

Another new day, another irritating stereotypical asshole appears on newspaper.  Can't these idiots who doesn't know what's going on just STFU.  For gaw's sake.....want to sprout nonsense, at least sprout soemthing that has entertainment value.  I'm referring to this bugger who posted this [link].  Wayang party editors managed to get an interview with this bugger [link].  Just read the interview and you'll know that he KNOWS NOTHING!!!!!! Yet, he still had the TIME and put in the EFFORT to write to our dear ST.  Bravo dude, I really wonder which "forward looking / forward thinking" consultancy firm is hiring you at the moment.  

Let's just focus on the interview itself here for a moment.  

Chua S Y: No, no. Of course the elderly, uneducated investors should be compensated. What I meant is that some educated investors are latching on to Mr Tan’s rallies to get the compensation they don’t deserve and I feel strongly that the government should not compensate them.

Does it matter whether the investor is educated / uneducated?  This dumb bugger missed the point totally.  A mis-rep is a mis-rep no matter what qualifications the other party holds.  Does it mean that educated people have no case in a mis-rep case at all or it's their own fault if they were cheated?  Does this means that out police will only handle uneducated people being cheated by crooks / scams next time?  Educated people can go suck your thumb la.....who ask you study so much.  That's his chain of thoughts isn't it.  It is appalling to say the least.  I wonder would he say the same thing when he's involved in a mis-rep case.

Chua S Y: Not really. I am okay with it as long they stay peaceful and don’t turn violent. But I feel Mr Tan should explore other options besides holding the rallies.
Didn't Mr Tan already tried other ways other than holding rallies?  His requests to meet with MAS and PM was rejected?  Do you know what?  I doubt so coz this dumb bugger said it himself.  Your Not really comment pisses me off even further.  Are you agreeing with Mr Tan or disagreeing with him?  Don't fucking stand in the middle....NOT REALLY.... what kind of a fucked up answer is that?  Are you married?  Not really.....WTF!!!  It's either a yes / no answer.  Mr Chua must be glad I wasn't the one who interviewed him.  
Chua S Y: Actually I haven’t been keeping myself updated due to my busy schedule and only got bits and pieces from the media.
Yeah rite.....since you haven't been keeping yourself updated to what's going on.  Why don't you just STFU!!!!  So busy meh?  If busy, how come have time to write that bloody article?  You don't even know how the products are structured and marketed and yet still had the gall to sprout nonsense that makes people in the loop blood boil.  

Enough of me commenting on his interview, you guys can read it yourself and draw your own conclusion.  The conclusion i derived was, he KNOWS NOTHING!!!  I didn't want to make my blog into a ranting blog about what's going on in Singapore but this guy simply makes my blood boil.  He doesn't even bother to read up, understand what's going on, attend the rallies to hear for himself first hand.  Instead, he rather rely on his Stereotypical Mindset to build up a picture based on the random pieces of information he got from MSM.  Now I understand why our Gahmen had to control the MSM back in 1960s.  

This Mr Chua aka Dumb bugger (in my dictionary), reminds me of an irritating person that I had the mis-fortune to challenge his views with.  They are both so stereotypical in their thinking that they simply can't accept other people's view / alternate views on a subject matter.  Our Mr Chua here simply can't be bothered to read up on stuffs....while the irritating guy simply ASSUMES everything he said is correct.  I remembered him saying that he works with youths in his line of work and therefore he understands their way of thinking and culture.  

Errrmmmm........hello Mr irriating guy, do you work mainly with dysfunctional youths / delinquents / problematic youths?  Are you working as a counsellor?  If so, please STFU on your "CORRECT" views on how our youths thinks or behaves and their culture.  Your experience only handling ONLY ONE facet of the youth spectrum doesn't give you the prerogative to "CONCLUDE / STEREOTYPE" everyone with the traits you mentioned.  Bravo, should win a Noble prize on Psychology.  So many famous Psychologists can't even form a generally accepted theory on youths today and yet your theory on youths is absolutely "CORRECT"!!!!  Don't even get me started on the population deficiency article.  I researched and emailed the article and even pointed out which page to read.  I guess you can't be bothered to read that either.  Just stereotype and stereotype....I hope it doesn't turn into prejudice next time.  Stereotyping typcially evovles into prejudice you know.  

I don't assume everything that I said is correct but at least I consider more angles to a situation than you Mr Irritating Guy.  I listen to what others have to say first before coming out to comment / conclude on my views, with added research on my own of coz.  Ahh....heck it la...why am I talking about him when I don't give a FUCK what he thinks.  I guess Mr Chua simply reminds me of him.  GAWDAMNIT.....I wanna delete Mr Irritating Guy from my memory.  Anyway, I don't know who's reading this blog, you can copy / cut and paste it to him if you want.  I don't give a fuck anymore.........irritating BUGGERS!!!!

On a happy note, thanks guys for organizing the birthday party.  Can say this is the 3rd time I celebrated my birthday my whole life...haha (my birthday typically falls during exam periods, therefore don't celebrate).  Thanks for putting in the effort and the friendship.  I enjoyed the powerpoint slide show immensely.....first time friends did that for me.  Will put in effort to maintain my weight..haha...really starting to morph into Ah Bui Bui.  Going to Vietnam next month.....hope it doesn't rain when I'm there.  


~~| Take without Forgetting | Give without Remembering |~~

Monday, November 10, 2008

..::[ Toxic Financial Products ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Beautiful Things" (Andain)

The recent and ongoing saga of Mini-bonds / Jubilee Notes / High Notes have struck a cord with me. In fact, I was given sales training on Jubilee Notes before I left my ex-company. I remembered distinctively my manager telling a group of us that it's an alternative to fixed deposits and target audience are people who have spare cash on hand eg) retirees, older folks. I did not bother to promote that product at all, as I could not even understand how the whole thing works. It sounds too good to be true and it turns out that way. My dis-trust on my manager's product competence and his habit of focusing on the up-side and ignoring the down-side makes me very skeptical of whatever comes out of his mouth. Luckily for me, I never sold any products that I don't understand at all and that turned out to be a good principle that I live by. I'm an IFA rep, so I get the liberty of not promoting products that I don't want to. The actions by the Banks to shift the responsibility to the RMs are somewhat unethical in my opinion. RMs have sales quotation to hit and that includes the above mentioned toxic products. Who sets the sales quota? Now that things have gone horribly wrong, it's totally unethical to shift the blame solely on to the RMs.

I was hoping that MAS would do the right thing when the news first broke out in Hong Kong. However, the muted response from them is highly disappointing. Instead of talking to the investors first, they spoke to the banks first. It's akin to talking first to the robber instead of the victim first to find out what happened. An unlikely hero turn up in the figure of Tan Kin Lian. I remembered him from my poly days whereby he frequently comes to my poly to talk about financial planning and the importance of it. Though I disagree with some of the stuffs that he preached, esp that NTUC is the Best....I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he has to fulfill his fiduciary duties as CEO of NTUC. So have to say good things about them. In this fiasco, he is the beacon of light that many investors look to for guidance and make a collective effort to get the banks to compensate at least some of their losses. My high regards for our financial system somewhat took a beating after this fiasco. How could MAS approve such products to be marketed to the mass public and when things goes wrong, claim "Caveat Emptor". If that's the case, why bother to have a regulatory body when everything I buy need to be based on "Caveat Emptor" principle. I'm not trying to say that we should not think before purchasing stuffs, my point is that these products are totally unfit for the mass majority of the market.

Some friends I've spoken to argued that "those people deserves it la, so greedy. Now kena losses then make noise want compensation". Oh well, it's normal for people to make such comments when they themselves aren't exposed to it and don't know the whole story. What's worse, is that most of them don't even know that such a thing is actually happening. Anyway, I explained to them that the investors stand to lose all their capital for a measely 5% return? My own portfolio gives my average 7% return without such high risks. I don't see how a collapse of one company within my portfolio can reduce my capital to $0. How could they be considered greedy? Furthermore, the products were represented by the F.Is as alternative to fixed deposits. That couldn't be further from the truth. The response by F.Is to handle complaints case by case basis is appalling, both on the ethical and market perspectives. The long term damage on their brand name could be in the millions. Seriously, I've lost a lot of confidence in the F.Is involved. I forbid my mother to go to the bank alone unless I'm there with her. The last time she went to a bank alone, she ended up buying a 15 year endowment plan. Best of all, she only told me after the 14 days cooling off period. She was enticed by the Frying pan offered as an incentive, with promises of capital guaranteed. Well, the capital is guaranteed provided the entity giving the guarantee is still there. Anyway, that product isn't all that bad, just that it doesn't provide for liquidity.

Enough of the banks. I want to focus on Financial Adviser Representatives themselves now. We've all heard about how lucrative the business is. I've been personally in the line before and it's pretty lucrative if you can close your eyes and ears to a few ethical issues. Maybe that's why I don't have as much money as I should have. I was pretty appalled by the advices that my friends have been getting from their "trusted" advisers. One friend of mine, asked me about Regular Investment Linked Policies. It was recommended to her by her best friend, which I happen to know and don't really like her as a person. I don't know if she doesn't know about the pitfalls of regular ILPs or she simply is omitting telling her best friend the truth. I'm being cynical here is because that adviser could have given her best friend an alternative plan with the same amount of budget, while giving her flexibility and more value for money. Regular ILPs typically don't contribute 100% into your first few years of the policy, most ranging from 0% to 35% the last time I checked. That means, out of 100 bucks of premium, $0 could be going into investments for the first few years. I personally believe it's a very lousy product, another time bomb waiting to happen. Back to the adviser, I personally believe that she is withholding the truth from her friend....for she's pretty experienced in the line. If she doesn't know the pitfall, then there must be something very wrong with the industry itself. She could have advised the friend to invest in unit trusts with a term policy. However, this alternative would cause her commission to drop from 50% to 1% for unit trust and around a few more percent out of the term policy as it's pretty cheap.  Now imagine the premiums being $1,000 per month.  Would you want to earn $500 dollars per month by selling ILPs or less than $100 selling term and unit trust.  Now tell me, isn't that conflict of interest?  My manager even told me sometime back that I could have earned more if I sold ILP........I simply ignored him.  Reason is that I personally would not even buy an ILP let alone selling it.  If you think you will not buy the product, don't sell it.  I think the bank management have to understand this point too.  

I personally believe that the advisers should be compensated not by the commissions from the products that they sell, but by the advises that they give to the consumers. Commission based remuneration system would only bring the question of objectivity into question. I rather pay a lump sum on a yearly or bi-yearly basis to an adviser to advise me on the plan and products to buy, with no vested interests in the commissions paid out. Practitioners of the industry would say that "Oh, Singaporeans are not willing to pay". Please la, they are still paying you indirectly through the commissions rite? You're just saying it coz it's more lucrative to earn from commissions rather than from fixed fees. From the above scenario, the adviser can stand to earn up to 50% of the premiums per month, lasting a few years, with the commissions reducing after each year. So tell me, more lucrative for commissions or fixed charges? Practitioners will argue that sometimes the small amount of money / premium involved, it's not justifiable to pay a fixed fee to advisers. Come on again la, you can vary the charges if the case is a small one / non-complicated rite? Don't come up with so many execuses just to maintain the status quo. By charging clients for the setup or review of their financial plan, it not only brings more objectivity, it also makes the clients more committed to the plan set forward, as they perceived that they have to pay for it. I reckon that the financial advisory industry would be reformed in the next few years as more and more people are aware and educated about such matters.

On an ending note, though I'm not a practising financial adviser representative anymore. I'm helping my friends to calculate how much they need to accumulate by their retirement age. I simply can't stand it to hear advisers saying that it's a very complicated process, therefore I'm going to help my friends know more about retirement planning so that they will not get misled by the so called "professionals". I've never considered any financial advisers as professionals and I doubt they'll do anything to change my mind in the next few years. I've seen way too many bad apples during my time in the industry for 3.5 years.  I cannot take it when I see "successful" advisers who drives big cars, living it up as they call it, when I know deep down that they are being unethical and some of them downright incomptent in product knowledge.  I had enough of all the bullshit, politicking, rumors in the industry. It's time for a change of environment.  Am I being a sourgrape?  I don't think so personally as time will tell when these "successful" advisers will get complains by their clients.  A lot clients simply don't bother to understand what products they bought until things goes wrong.  That's why it's imperative that MAS regulate this industry heavily.  However, recent information on their handling of complaints isn't really what I thought it would be.  So "Caveat Emptor" rule again.  Use your brain to think and ask questions.  Don't just rely on trust alone.  Sometimes, the other party may be ignorant of the pitfalls as well.  So drop me an sms if you want me to help you calculate how much you'll need to save for retirement and the products to avoid. Help me to look out for jobs in the banking sector in the meantime. Hopefully the people retrenched from DBS will switch to other industries, if not, it's going to be an uphill struggle to land a job of my choice.

~~| Greed is good if you subscribe to the Free Market theory |~~

Thursday, November 6, 2008

..::[ Why I Hate Technology at Times ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Drifting Away" (Lange Feat. Skye)

*Gasps~~* Horror!!!!! I was just thinking sometime back when we'll be charged for driving from one place to the other. To my horror, I found this article on channelnewsasia.
"SINGAPORE: Distance-based charging is the next step when it comes to road pricing in Singapore. This is where motorists are charged based on the distance they travel on congested roads, using GPS technology."

LTA researching on viability of distance-based road pricing
Source: Channel News Asia

I'm an avid user of technology. I embrace all sorts of new technology even those that don't work. However, this is one of those times that I hate technology. I love GPS technology as there are many uses for it. However, LTA thinking of using GPS technology to charge road users based on the distance they traveled. It's simply outrageous.

Imagine they could change the pricing for certain roads by just giving one day notice to road users. Assuming Bukit Timah Road is congested and LTA could simply charge road users for using that stretch of road at a touch of a button. No need to erect ERP anymore as they could simply use GPS to charge any road users that passes by that road. However, let's look at the pros and cons first.

Pros :
  • Road users will plan ahead which routes to take to reach their destination, thus reducing congestion, pollution, reduce global warming.
  • Easier for LTA to manage flow of traffic
  • With GPS system tracking each and every car, it might be possible to have a traffic grid work whereby cars are autonomous. Future cars might not require a driver at all. The cars will be driven by computers on the transportation grid. (possible expansion of the GPS system as I see it)
Cons :
  • Users are subjected to the road charges with minimum notice. If you're not up to date which roads are being charged a levy, there could be a hole in your pocket very soon.
  • Unfair for road users who are not IT savy, they might not be aware which roads are being charged. With the current gates, at least they can see that if they drive under it during certain hours. They'll be charged.
  • With charges being pegged to congested roads, what is the definition for congested roads? Nowadays, even if I take public buses, there's a jam. So if the definition isn't clear on congestion, does that mean that most of the areas I'm going now is going to be charged?
  • With GPS charging system in place, is there still a need to have COE? COE was introduced to limit the number of vehicles on the public roads but it appears that LTA is thinking of other ways to counter transportation problem as COE doesn't seem to be effective.
Haiz, it would appear that you'll have to pay for a lot of things nowadays. I sure hope that I'll not be charged to get out of my home next time just to take a walk around my neighbourhood, with a GPS chip inserted into my body. (I'm stretching this too far but you guys know what I mean). My suggestion to LTA if GPS technology is viable, is to have a designated lane for users who are in a rush. By having a separate lane on all roads, users can pay to use that special lane to get to their destinations faster. With the implementation of that measure, it'll be fairer to the public to abolish the COE system. I think Singapore is the only country in the world whereby it's so confusing for a first time owner to buy a car. Need to conside COE, PARF, OMV etc etc....most of which sounds very foreign to me.

~~| I Once wanted to be an Atheist but I gave up | Coz they have no Holidays |~~

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

..::[ Yearly PMS ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Always" (Matt Darey feat. Tiff Lacey)

Ah yes, it's that time of the year again whereby I'm called up for my service to the nation that I love and yet at the same time, feel no sense of attachment to. It's another bloody month and timing could be not worse again, in March. Just when I thought I could focus on getting a job and channeling my energy to excel in it. I do regret being so outstanding during my NS days for only a few people are selected for this course. Some might say that it's good that they chosen you, that means you're good. Easy for them to say when they are not in my shoes. People who are going to the course with me have the same laments and complaints, "why can't they conduct the course during our full time NS period?" Bloody hell, don't know whether I should declare this bloody call up during my interviews. Feel that it's unethical to omit this piece of information but on the hand, I'll be unethical to myself if I disclose. I might be out of job from Jan till Feb and during the call-up. Furthermore, the Army would only pay me my Full time National service pay coz I'm unemployed. A measly 600+ SGD. That's a month worth of work mind you.....and I'm getting 600++. So should I drop the bombshell on my employer after I secured a job. Would that affect how my superiors view me? Haiz.......always have this kind of dilemma shuffed upon me.....Starting to hate this yearly PMS thing.

Got about half a day to relax before hitting the books again so went on the net to catch up on some reading. Been lagging behind on current news by a week or so. Happen to come across this interesting article. It touches on how Singapore is among the tops again albeit this time for the wrong reason. There is about 25.11 people out of 1,000 who emigrate to other countries and we're second.....yes we're second in the world on this statistic. The first is timor leste. Am I Surprised by this statistic? Well, I'm definitely not surprised but I'm worried. That means more and more Singaporeans with talents are leaving for good and with the shortage of talents, our Government will import more foreign talent.

How will this affect me? Hmmmm, first time on my mind (maybe due to perception error, recency error) is that foreigners will compete jobs with me during recession and I might be at a disadvantage coz of my yearly call up to reservist. One month of not being around your work, how do you expect the employer to cope with the work that is left behind. Instead of having to face this problem every year, the employer would be tempted to hire a foreigner, who might be asking for less pay, more educated than me and no need to attend reservist for one month. Of coz the employer can't tell you this, they will get into trouble. They'll be thinking of this at the back of their mind. Of coz, that's just my perception only.......though some of my friends who runs their own businesses tend to hire the maximum number of foreigner workers allowed by the system.

With that in mind, I really can't fault those Singaporeans for leaving for other destinations. Heck, given the chance, I might have done the same thing. There are more pull factors for me to stay in Singapore at the moment.....but I've made up a list of push factors as well. It doesn't take much more for me to decide to try my luck at other countries. The recent mini-bond saga just reduced a pull factor and added a push factor. I'm giving myself 3 years to decide. The timing would be just nice, i'll be 30 years old then, hopefully can clear either CPA or CFA during that period of time and the elections would be in 2011. The election might be the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm hoping that things does get better during this 3 years and create more pull factors for me to stay in Singapore. I do love being in Singapore and I'm grateful for it. However, with the influx so MANY foreign talents. I'm starting to question whether my choice of remaining in Singapore is the right one. I might be suffering when I'm older when I'm not so mobile and sought after. 3 years and I've got my list and pen ready to tick on the pull and push factors. Nation that I love, Please stop pushing me away and Embrace me like I was your own child.(sounds corny eh)

~~| Ask not what the Country can do for you | Ask what you can do for the Country |~~