Wednesday, November 19, 2008

..::[ Stereotypical Mindset ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Shadow of the Day" (Linkin Park)

Another new day, another irritating stereotypical asshole appears on newspaper.  Can't these idiots who doesn't know what's going on just STFU.  For gaw's sake.....want to sprout nonsense, at least sprout soemthing that has entertainment value.  I'm referring to this bugger who posted this [link].  Wayang party editors managed to get an interview with this bugger [link].  Just read the interview and you'll know that he KNOWS NOTHING!!!!!! Yet, he still had the TIME and put in the EFFORT to write to our dear ST.  Bravo dude, I really wonder which "forward looking / forward thinking" consultancy firm is hiring you at the moment.  

Let's just focus on the interview itself here for a moment.  

Chua S Y: No, no. Of course the elderly, uneducated investors should be compensated. What I meant is that some educated investors are latching on to Mr Tan’s rallies to get the compensation they don’t deserve and I feel strongly that the government should not compensate them.

Does it matter whether the investor is educated / uneducated?  This dumb bugger missed the point totally.  A mis-rep is a mis-rep no matter what qualifications the other party holds.  Does it mean that educated people have no case in a mis-rep case at all or it's their own fault if they were cheated?  Does this means that out police will only handle uneducated people being cheated by crooks / scams next time?  Educated people can go suck your thumb la.....who ask you study so much.  That's his chain of thoughts isn't it.  It is appalling to say the least.  I wonder would he say the same thing when he's involved in a mis-rep case.

Chua S Y: Not really. I am okay with it as long they stay peaceful and don’t turn violent. But I feel Mr Tan should explore other options besides holding the rallies.
Didn't Mr Tan already tried other ways other than holding rallies?  His requests to meet with MAS and PM was rejected?  Do you know what?  I doubt so coz this dumb bugger said it himself.  Your Not really comment pisses me off even further.  Are you agreeing with Mr Tan or disagreeing with him?  Don't fucking stand in the middle....NOT REALLY.... what kind of a fucked up answer is that?  Are you married?  Not really.....WTF!!!  It's either a yes / no answer.  Mr Chua must be glad I wasn't the one who interviewed him.  
Chua S Y: Actually I haven’t been keeping myself updated due to my busy schedule and only got bits and pieces from the media.
Yeah rite.....since you haven't been keeping yourself updated to what's going on.  Why don't you just STFU!!!!  So busy meh?  If busy, how come have time to write that bloody article?  You don't even know how the products are structured and marketed and yet still had the gall to sprout nonsense that makes people in the loop blood boil.  

Enough of me commenting on his interview, you guys can read it yourself and draw your own conclusion.  The conclusion i derived was, he KNOWS NOTHING!!!  I didn't want to make my blog into a ranting blog about what's going on in Singapore but this guy simply makes my blood boil.  He doesn't even bother to read up, understand what's going on, attend the rallies to hear for himself first hand.  Instead, he rather rely on his Stereotypical Mindset to build up a picture based on the random pieces of information he got from MSM.  Now I understand why our Gahmen had to control the MSM back in 1960s.  

This Mr Chua aka Dumb bugger (in my dictionary), reminds me of an irritating person that I had the mis-fortune to challenge his views with.  They are both so stereotypical in their thinking that they simply can't accept other people's view / alternate views on a subject matter.  Our Mr Chua here simply can't be bothered to read up on stuffs....while the irritating guy simply ASSUMES everything he said is correct.  I remembered him saying that he works with youths in his line of work and therefore he understands their way of thinking and culture.  

Errrmmmm........hello Mr irriating guy, do you work mainly with dysfunctional youths / delinquents / problematic youths?  Are you working as a counsellor?  If so, please STFU on your "CORRECT" views on how our youths thinks or behaves and their culture.  Your experience only handling ONLY ONE facet of the youth spectrum doesn't give you the prerogative to "CONCLUDE / STEREOTYPE" everyone with the traits you mentioned.  Bravo, should win a Noble prize on Psychology.  So many famous Psychologists can't even form a generally accepted theory on youths today and yet your theory on youths is absolutely "CORRECT"!!!!  Don't even get me started on the population deficiency article.  I researched and emailed the article and even pointed out which page to read.  I guess you can't be bothered to read that either.  Just stereotype and stereotype....I hope it doesn't turn into prejudice next time.  Stereotyping typcially evovles into prejudice you know.  

I don't assume everything that I said is correct but at least I consider more angles to a situation than you Mr Irritating Guy.  I listen to what others have to say first before coming out to comment / conclude on my views, with added research on my own of coz.  Ahh....heck it la...why am I talking about him when I don't give a FUCK what he thinks.  I guess Mr Chua simply reminds me of him.  GAWDAMNIT.....I wanna delete Mr Irritating Guy from my memory.  Anyway, I don't know who's reading this blog, you can copy / cut and paste it to him if you want.  I don't give a fuck anymore.........irritating BUGGERS!!!!

On a happy note, thanks guys for organizing the birthday party.  Can say this is the 3rd time I celebrated my birthday my whole life...haha (my birthday typically falls during exam periods, therefore don't celebrate).  Thanks for putting in the effort and the friendship.  I enjoyed the powerpoint slide show immensely.....first time friends did that for me.  Will put in effort to maintain my weight..haha...really starting to morph into Ah Bui Bui.  Going to Vietnam next month.....hope it doesn't rain when I'm there.  


~~| Take without Forgetting | Give without Remembering |~~

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