Tuesday, November 4, 2008

..::[ Yearly PMS ]::..

~~| Track currently on "Always" (Matt Darey feat. Tiff Lacey)

Ah yes, it's that time of the year again whereby I'm called up for my service to the nation that I love and yet at the same time, feel no sense of attachment to. It's another bloody month and timing could be not worse again, in March. Just when I thought I could focus on getting a job and channeling my energy to excel in it. I do regret being so outstanding during my NS days for only a few people are selected for this course. Some might say that it's good that they chosen you, that means you're good. Easy for them to say when they are not in my shoes. People who are going to the course with me have the same laments and complaints, "why can't they conduct the course during our full time NS period?" Bloody hell, don't know whether I should declare this bloody call up during my interviews. Feel that it's unethical to omit this piece of information but on the hand, I'll be unethical to myself if I disclose. I might be out of job from Jan till Feb and during the call-up. Furthermore, the Army would only pay me my Full time National service pay coz I'm unemployed. A measly 600+ SGD. That's a month worth of work mind you.....and I'm getting 600++. So should I drop the bombshell on my employer after I secured a job. Would that affect how my superiors view me? Haiz.......always have this kind of dilemma shuffed upon me.....Starting to hate this yearly PMS thing.

Got about half a day to relax before hitting the books again so went on the net to catch up on some reading. Been lagging behind on current news by a week or so. Happen to come across this interesting article. http://www.littlespeck.com/content/people/CTrendsPeople-080906.htm It touches on how Singapore is among the tops again albeit this time for the wrong reason. There is about 25.11 people out of 1,000 who emigrate to other countries and we're second.....yes we're second in the world on this statistic. The first is timor leste. Am I Surprised by this statistic? Well, I'm definitely not surprised but I'm worried. That means more and more Singaporeans with talents are leaving for good and with the shortage of talents, our Government will import more foreign talent.

How will this affect me? Hmmmm, first time on my mind (maybe due to perception error, recency error) is that foreigners will compete jobs with me during recession and I might be at a disadvantage coz of my yearly call up to reservist. One month of not being around your work, how do you expect the employer to cope with the work that is left behind. Instead of having to face this problem every year, the employer would be tempted to hire a foreigner, who might be asking for less pay, more educated than me and no need to attend reservist for one month. Of coz the employer can't tell you this, they will get into trouble. They'll be thinking of this at the back of their mind. Of coz, that's just my perception only.......though some of my friends who runs their own businesses tend to hire the maximum number of foreigner workers allowed by the system.

With that in mind, I really can't fault those Singaporeans for leaving for other destinations. Heck, given the chance, I might have done the same thing. There are more pull factors for me to stay in Singapore at the moment.....but I've made up a list of push factors as well. It doesn't take much more for me to decide to try my luck at other countries. The recent mini-bond saga just reduced a pull factor and added a push factor. I'm giving myself 3 years to decide. The timing would be just nice, i'll be 30 years old then, hopefully can clear either CPA or CFA during that period of time and the elections would be in 2011. The election might be the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm hoping that things does get better during this 3 years and create more pull factors for me to stay in Singapore. I do love being in Singapore and I'm grateful for it. However, with the influx so MANY foreign talents. I'm starting to question whether my choice of remaining in Singapore is the right one. I might be suffering when I'm older when I'm not so mobile and sought after. 3 years and I've got my list and pen ready to tick on the pull and push factors. Nation that I love, Please stop pushing me away and Embrace me like I was your own child.(sounds corny eh)

~~| Ask not what the Country can do for you | Ask what you can do for the Country |~~

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